“I’m Not Going to Say It Again” Said Again and Again by Area Mother

Springfield (February 9, 2016) – After area mother Kim Palmer, 42, warned her children that she was “not going to say it again” in reference to her request that the children clean up their rooms, Palmer went back on her promise vocalized only seconds before and said “I’m not going to say it again” several more times over the next five or so minutes. Her stern yet hollow warning was repeated while she was watching TV, talking on the phone with her mother-in-law and playing Candy Crush Soda Edition, among other sedentary activities.

Last Saturday, Palmer’s two young daughters, Kendyll, 10 and, McKynzie, 8, were “trying (her) patience” since 6:00 am, an hour and a half before their usual wake up time for school. With her husband away for a business meeting, Palmer found herself solely in charge of her girls. Although the girls are model citizens in public, according to Palmer, they can be real rabble rousers at home. “The girls are great kids when we’re out…polite, friendly, generous. But when they’re home…WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP ALREADY!…they can certainly press my buttons,” mentioned Palmer.

After telling Kendyll that she “wouldn’t talk to her friends’ parents the way you talk to me” several times and threatening McKynzie with “wait ‘til your father comes home!”, Palmer decided to actually get off the couch and see exactly what was happening upstairs. As she opened the door to Kendyll’s room with a “I hope I don’t see what I think I see” referring to clothes strewn all over the floor, Kendyll welcomed her with a big hug and kiss to make sure her mom remembered their plan to go to lunch and a movie in the afternoon. “Five minutes. If this room isn’t clean in five minutes, we’re not going anywhere, young ladies. I’m serious,” hollowly threatened Palmer, knowing full well that the tickets to the movie were already purchased and the Groupon for 2/3 off lunch expires in two days.

hollow warnings

Nestling back into her spot on the couch, Palmer yelled up to the girls fifteen minutes later to check on their progress with no response. Despite firing off a series of “I’m not repeating myself” and “don’t make me come up there’s”, the angered mother was forced to abort her Facebook status update about her new rain boots to march back upstairs. Much to her delight, her daughters were individually enjoying themselves on their iPhones in their sparkling clean rooms.

“We know her threats don’t mean anything. Do you really think she wants to hang out in our rooms to watch us clean? Or she wants to miss out on going to get ice cream if we behave like animals when we’re out? C’mon…we’re smarter than she is,” commented a wise beyond her years Kendyll. “I love it when she tells us we’re going home when we misbehave on Thanksgiving at Grandma’s house. Yeah, we’ll drive five hours through the night because I grabbed my sister’s pony tail. Get real.”

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